Girl/Girl Scene is about a close-knit group of gay friends. The movie was taken down due to "poor customer feedback." The majority of the reviews were coming from angry men, mainly complaining of no nudity and no sex. From Alex Sauri: “horrible... Just go on p***hub" From lehsreh: "Don't get sucked in, this is not a s*xy l*sbian movie!" They also refer to women and minorities as "dogs," complain that the movie "tried so very hard to address SJW and LGBTQXYZ to the 23rd power," and use anti-LGBTQ hate speech.
It is well-known that gay women are wrongfully sexualized in our culture. The male reviewers of the movie were expecting women to perform s**ually for them, and when their expectations were not met, they wrote scathing reviews. This is a display of toxic masculinity, of many men feeling entitled to have gay women perform s**ually for them, and then being infuriated when they do not.
User reviews frequently complain about the "quality" of the film. The movie is set in the 80's, and is made to look like a VHS tape. It's meant to look the way it does and it's very obvious given the 80's music, clothes, and writing. But if you read through the one-star reviews, the pattern becomes obvious - the homophobes are using "quality" in place of "the girls are not having s** for me and I'm an angry boy!" The equivalent would be if these same alt-right haters complained that Schindler's List was terrible because it was in black and white.
Scroll down to read the full report.
What happened with Amazon:
- The movie was performing extraordinarily well, and according to fans was listed on Amazon as a "Most-Watched" movie.
- On May 31st (just in time for Pride Month) the movie was removed from Amazon due to "poor customer feedback."
- The movie had a good rating until about six weeks into its release. Then there was a sudden onslaught of angry reviews that gave it one star.
- Most of the reviews are only a few words in length.
- Many of the men state that they only watched a few minutes of the film.
- When we looked up the "female" negative reviewers, it appeared that they were men posing as women (e.g., they were also leaving reviews on facial beard and nose trimmers).
- One of the scathing reviews was from an Amazon employee.
- Fans wrote to us saying they had left the film a positive review, but that Amazon had rejected the review and wouldn't tell them why. If these were just the ones we were hearing about, we imagine that many, many more positive reviews were also rejected.
What we did:
June 1st, we emailed Amazon PR and Jeff Bezos. We received a response from Amazon that Jeff had received our message and that they were responding on his behalf. After several puzzling and redundant messages from them, a woman finally wrote to us with this: "Thank you for resending your message, I'm looking into this and will report back as soon as I have more information." That was on June 6th. We've heard nothing from them.
What the reviews said:
- You can read all the reviews here -
- One reviewer said he watched only 15 minutes, yet he left a seven-paragraph negative review.
- Two reviewers said the film was bad because it was critical of Trump (it's not; it's set in the 80's and the president is never mentioned).
- Some of the reviewers seemed to be hallucinating, as if they were reviewing a film they had never watched.
- The women, Hispanic, Arab and Jewish characters in the film are referred to as "dogs."
What happened with IMDb:
The Internet Movie Database is the main hub of movie fans and industry professionals. It's also owned by Amazon. IMDb star ratings are listed at the top of all Amazon films.
Girl/Girl Scene was "one-star bombed" on IMDb, at exactly the same time that the bad reviews began to appear on Amazon. The film has 2 stars out of a possible 10. The film isn't that bad; even if someone didn't like it, they'd still say it was technically a good film. The only reason it would receive such a low rating is if men were infuriated by it.
-IMDb lists a personal blog as a professional review, wherein the male critic says that he was tricked into watching the film by its title and "s**y pictures," but that the movie is sadly only soft core. [It's not soft core - it's no-core.]
- We had fans write to us to tell us they had written a positive review for IMDb, but that it was rejected. Again, we can only assume that if these are the ones we were hearing about, then there are likely many more.
- We informed IMDb about the situation, and they said that they had a process that ensured that hate bias would be detected and ruled out. We asked them what they would do if white supremacists were down-voting Schindler's List, and they had no response.
- As soon as the film was removed from Amazon, the IMDb "star rankings" for the film plummeted.
We'll leave you with some choice comments from Amazon's review page. Keep in mind that Amazon chose to make these men happy over earning money, equality, awareness of women's and LGBTQ issues, outreach to an under-represented community, and overall doing the right thing.
Amazon User Reviews:
"this was a "light" p***graphic film that tried so very hard to address "SJW" and "LGBTQXYZ to the 23rd power" issues."
[This is a complaint that the movie is LGBTQ. That's the whole point of the movie. And there is NO adult content, light or otherwise]
"one of the l*sbians is a drag queen, and half of them you can't even tell their gender"
[he's referring to the two boyish characters]
"The final nail in the coffin was when the protagonist hada [sic] political discussion with one of her l*sbian girlfriends about how libertarians and republicans are evil trump supporters, and how Marxist feminism should be normalized for its progressiveness."
[This did not happen at any point in the movie. Trump wasn't even president it the 80's.]
"a l*sbian who looks like a clone of megan trainer running up to a woman standing perfectly still like a scarecrow, then saying "Let's l*z out!" then have them kissing eachother [sic] then busting into a spontaneous pillow fight."
[There is NO pillow fight. Ever. Or any of that dialog.]
"The story is basically "Feminist l*sbians at a party making out, and talking about nothing remotely relevant or interesting, then occasionally discussing the need for globalism and how trump is the the [sic] most evil person in history, etc., your usual Tumblr rants."
[neither Trump nor globalism is discussed]
"in between kissing you hear major subplots that would have otherwise created an emotional impact, such as "Marry me." and "I'm preggers." and "I'm straight." and "I got cancer." and "Gonna kill m'self!" Instead of the story adapting to those statements you instead get anticlimactic retorts such as "Shut up and kiss me.""
["Marry me." IS a line from the film. The others aren't. No character is pregnant, straight, has cancer, or asks someone to shut up and kiss her."]
"the s**iness I'd expect from a PG-13 movie"
[this is meant as a criticism; he was wanting more]
"This movie is like watching p*** without the p***."
"Just horrible. Terrible acting. Just go on p***hub"
"Its [sic] like watching all that old soft core p*** you used to see late at night on a cable network"
[A complaint. He wanted more.]
"NEWS FLASH this is not how s** works lmao"
[this is a man explaining how gay women have relations]
"written by an adolescent with a Victoria Secret magazine and a bottle of lotion."
”Ryan (which is a boys [sic] name), doesn't even match the definition of a "party-girl.""
"I only made it 15 minutes before I stopped,"
[Amazon nevertheless accepted his one-star review]
"they spend several minutes slobbering all over eachothers [sic] faces like dogs"
"they also wear randomly slutty outfits."
"i wont [sic] even watch it"
[but he still gave it one star]
"there's no topless n*dity in this, just a lot of underwear. I don't know the reasons for this, and maybe it's to have a more subdued rating, but it does give the impression that girl-girl s** is, for the most part, just a lot of grinding and kissing."